Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Caron's Corkers - 31st March

Who would believe that on the last day of March I'd be waking up to a couple of inches of snow! The poor rabbits! They've been losing their thick Winter coats so we've had to give them lots of extra straw.

Anyway, the blogosphere has been busy and here are some of its best bits:

Oh good, the Liberal Democrats will not support the controversial and draconian Digital Econoomy Bill.

Ultra loyal Labour MP Eric Joyce gets why there are problems and thinks it should fall and be brought back to next Parliament. But will he vote against it?

Yousuf wonders if someone's taking the mickey out of the SNP but the link does appear to be to a genuine broadcast. It is very funny though. It suggests that SNP people get to kiss pretty girls in the street and then go to top of mountains and roar. Then a funny man comes on and talks about Labour and Tory cutting housing - which they're in charge of and they have already cut. Rosie Barnes and your rabbits, all is forgiven, almost.

Daddy Alex and Stephen welcome the return of Tony Blair! Ish.

The lovely elephant, original as ever, quotes Miss Piggy while reviewing the Chancellor's Debate.


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